When God created Man, He incorporated the Convergence of Heaven and Earth in the very Nature and Composition of MAN (ADAM). The original name ADAM, which means MAN or MANKIND, is a combination of HEAVEN & EARTH.
ADAM is composed of ALEF, the First Letter of God's Hebrew Alphabet, and the letters DALET and MEM pronounced DAM. ALEF means Heaven, The LORD GOD, the ONENESS OF GOD. The Hebrew word DAM means BLOOD, the Earthly, Physical and Material life and existence.
1. The ALEPH of Adam alludes to the Supernal World (where the Right Column originates).
2. The lower DALET is concealed in the West, and this is the entire Mochin (Mind) of above and below.
3. The closed (Final) MEM is the letter that appears in the (Isaiah 9:7): "Of the increase (Heb. Lemarbeh)..."
- Of the increase of His Government and Peace there shall be no End... (Isa 9:7 KJV)
SIN removes the ALEF in every sinful Human Being. The Lack of ALEF in Human Being is the reason why the World today is FULL of Crises and Woes. This is because Man disconnected himself from Heaven (ALEF).
In other words, Man tried to live purely with the Earth (DAM), which leads to the destruction of the Earth and of himself. Thus, we have Climate Change Disasters and all kinds of Global Crises (Natural & Man-Made Calamities).
This decision of MAN to live without the ALEF in himself subjected him to mortality, sickness, decay, and finally death. Thus, as long as the ALEF is absent in a Man/Woman's life, he/she will not exist for so long; no matter how intelligent, powerful, or rich he/she may be in this life. This is because he is not living according to his
original design.
Engineers knew that any device or machine that is used
to function NOT according to its design will not last long, and it will
fail or will be destroyed very shortly. It is the same with MAN (ADAM).
solve all the global crises, especially Climate Change and Global
Warming, Man must live according to his original design and purpose.
Therefore, we must reconnect and converge with the Science and
Technologies of Heaven, which are embodied in the first letter (ALEF) of God's Hebrew Language (Colossians 3:1-2).
- So IF YOU HAVE BEEN RAISED with The MESSIAH, SEEK WHAT IS ABOVE, where the Messiah is, seated at the Right Hand of God. (Col 3:1 HCSB)
- SET YOUR MINDS on what is ABOVE, NOT on what is on the Earth. (Col 3:2 HCSB)
Copyright 2012, 2019 © LOPE COLUMNA
Genesis 1:1, Exodus 26:1, 5, Psalms 25:14, Proverbs 19:20, Hosea 6:2-3, Joel 2:16, 28-29, Isaiah 40:3-5, 46:10-13, Jeremiah 9:12, Ezekiel 8:2, Daniel 12:3-4, 9-10, Habakkuk 2:2-3, Malachi 3:1, 4:5-6, Matthew 17:11, 24:14, Mark 1:1-3, Luke 1:16-17, 76-79, Romans 16:25-26, Ephesians 3:18-19, Colossians 1:25-27, Hebrews 9:8-10, Revelation 7:2, 14:6-7
Maurits Steemers Dear Lope. Please make more studies of hebrew letter photos. The links are great blood yeshua sacrifice blood Yeshua mother pregnancy. Mem is fluïde like blood Yonah has the Nun a fish in the water, Noach has the the Nun also a boat no water. Yeshua miracles 153 fishes Yeshua walking over water, water into wine miracle baptism with water. What a connections 😀 Photo moses moshe👍
Lope Columna The world should agree to limit global warming to just 1.5C instead of the current target of 2C, the United Nations' climate chief has said, in remarks that shocked the governments of developed nations. "Two degrees is not enough – we should be thinking of 1.5C. If we are not headed to 1.5C we are in big, big trouble."
UN chief challenges world to agree tougher target for climate change | Environment | The Guardian www.guardian.co.uk
Global warming should be limited to 1.5C, not 2C, declares Christiana Figueres.
Clint Martin I'll be sure to do that when I get to Heaven
Carlos Glass I take it your recruiting... Hehehe
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon nice post
Like · 1
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon Thanks for always bringing something to the table to study.
Carlos Glass This ain't no nice post, this is utter bullshit. The question why mix bullshit with fact? You can't so why even ask the question? How did I this nonsense end up on my page, know that I didn't sign up for this....
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon If you feel this way you do not have to comment, and I apologize if this group is not for you. You can always remove yourself from the group. Thanks
Like · 1
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon But also if you feel so strongly to comment on what makes this nonsense, tell us where the is may be wrong and what you believe to be right. This group is not trying to recruit anyone. Most people in this group may have varying believes and ideas so we do expect a little debatable discussions. But its always a good idea to back up comments with facts of your own. Like · 1
Carlos Glass Sorry brother, crap pisses me off. Now we can start at the. Beginning and work are way down. Bible and Science as a compound word is a misnomer. Science is the art of proving theory to fact and ain't no man on this rock ever proven anything in that book to be FACT. This the reason your asked to have faith, for faith needs no facts those it? Like · 1
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon I am not sure about the word Bible and Science being a misnomer. As far as I know it is a viable word phrase. Science is simply the study of knowledge! No more technical semantics is required to define the word science. The investigation of anything is considered a science. Its just that the most common usages of the word "science" is used as part of the formal science group. Though contrary to what many assume about the defining terms for the word "science" proof, theory, and fact are only part of the conclusions of the study and not the study itself and also not required. Modern dictionaries has changed both the defining terms as well as its usage. Just remove the term science from what we know as the formal sciences which are based on computers, technology, mathematics, and theory.
Basically Bible Science is the study of the Bible, simply put. Whether one believes the Bible to hold truths or otherwise it still remains a study. The study is not trying to prove something right or trying to prove something wrong. This is where "scientists" have used this word to conform to their own purposes, where it becomes a game of achievements and accomplishments. The study however is to attempt to understand "What, Why & How". Even if you believe the Bible to be a work of fiction or faith, it can become a study just as one would study a legend, a myth, or a fictional novel.
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon Also deal with those emotion you express so freely. It's not the emotions that's the issue though it what the emotions bring. No matter how much fact you may bring to the table emotion can sometimes become a deterrence of conveying meaning! But I speak alot on emotions :) I believe it to be that known and unknown variable in the midst of the chaos we associate with in this universe. Though used correctly it's powerful. But its also powerful when used incorrectly right, its how we recognize the pros from the cons, or the teachers from the preachers!
Carlos Glass Science as defined above is sometimes called pure science to differentiate it from applied science, which is the application of research to human needs. Fields of science are commonly classified along two major lines:
- Natural sciences, the study of the natural world, and
- Social sciences, the systematic study of human behavior and society.
Carlos Glass So I guess I was wrong, there is a science behind the madness.
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon whether you name it pure science, natural science, social science, physical science or even quantum science. Each are just a type of science. separate "science" from any of its sub-fixed words. anytime you ad a sub word to another word the entire meaning and context changes.
Also can you explain why you call it madness?
Carlos Glass That's what I called it, Madness. Water Walking Zombie Kings. People being turned into salt? A boat carrying every living thing? To believe this garbage over the scientific method because one fears the unknown of death is madness. What difference those it make if the streets are made of GOLD if they ain't your streets? The concepts are mind enslaving and are followed by none who teach it.
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon Carlos Glass, The Madness to me is not to investigate its true meanings. Being turned into salt, there is a true meaning behind that if you investigate and study, boat carrying every living thing that to has a meaning also. If you base all those things on a mere Book and have no further investigation, then yes those things will seem like madness. Don't study the Religion study the History and you may find more than you bargain for.
We had a conversation on my page some time ago about Zechariah Sitchin and the Ancient Astronaut theories. Just as much can be discovered by the Ancient Astronaut theories, much more can also be discovered by many other theories. As you express that Zechariah Sitchin better fits in your mind, there are many other people that may call the Ancient Astronaut theories "Madness". It's all Madness when you refuse to take the time to understand. Instead of just trying to determine "WHAT" is wrong or right try to find out "WHY" it is wrong or right then we may see "HOW" Madness can be possible!
We can't use emotional rhetoric each time we see or hear of something we disagree with to do not fully understand. We have to use dialog here. We can't just continue to say things like "That's BS" without giving our own explanation of facts of history and science of why this is BS. It's very easy to say something is wrong, yet it is very difficult to explain why it is wrong!!!
The post by Lope Columna gives a lot of insight and many things. No one said you have to convert to anyone beliefs. We should never believe everything, but we should accept the facts as its given.
As what I go by, "Question Everything but have faith in all things". What I mean is that if there is something that contradicts your own beliefs and/or common sense we should neither accept it with a grain of salt or dismiss it. Even if your initial belief is that it is false you should attempt to find out why it is false in other words what is the truth behind it. For every lie starts with a truth somewhere.
We have to learn how to study and stop being stubborn with our prideful beliefs. I find that most people would just rather win than to be right!!! I myself and guilty of this as we all are. But many people as I try to do, catch ourselves and keep an open minds yet aware mind!
Carlos Glass Keep it simple, make it plain. You last is a perfect example of the madness. You said all of that to say nothing at all. Faith in all things? WTF
Carlos Glass Look, I have faith in the fact that Christianity is attempt at one world religion to say the least. It's mission to write an history for a people who aren't a people. To create a status for these people that should not be (chosen ones). It's mind fuckery from front to back no matter how you try to legitimize it. You can pour thought Egyption history all you like, you will not find a story of a man in a dress turning a stick into a snake, then cutting the locust loose. It's a fucking fairy tale. Do not ask me to cosign it as something of substance....
Jimmy Dewan Bellmon I never asked you to consign for anything. Whatever contempt you have for any of these things are your business and it may be warranted. But why do you feel the need to speak the way you do. No one is telling you that any of your beliefs are wrong or crazy and definitely not using words that blatantly offend another.
Everything you have spoken so far is out of content. It is one thing to disagree with another and let it go. But all you seem to want to do is use offensive rhetoric with no form of explanation. All i have asked you to do is explain why you disagree. Don't just post a comment talking about how much BS something is without giving your reason why it is BS. There may be, in fact, I am pretty sure there are others that may feel somewhat as you do. I'm pretty sure there are some things you and I may agree on. They/we are looking for answers, if you have some answers share it with them/us. But don't just take another person research/study/ideas/beliefs and spew at it then walk away. If you believe something is false tell us what the truth is.
Here's what it is man. I don't believe there is a person in here that truly believe "all" this stuff either. Some people in this world are stuck on faith and are satisfied with what the church and/or others tell them about the Bible and Religion and/or God. Others may have faith to the point where they understand what the truth is. Some of us take everything with a grain of salt. Like myself, I will never say anything is right or wrong simply because I don't know everything. I could be 99.999% sure of something but will always leave that 0.001% open to suggestion. Others will condemn everything that they disagree with and/or fail to comprehend.
If I were to give you a full dissertation into Science & Theology, and talked about how spirituality and quantum physics are related in concept, would you tell me I was crazy and full of BS? What if I spoke about how it could be possible for many of these "Bible Miracles" could have possibly happened and how it is also possible that they were just merely misinterpreted? Well I grew up in the Church but as i got older I became a man of science. But unlike most i didn't use my knowledge of science to discredit the church. I decided to use science to put credit where ever it is due. Personally I have many problems with Religion but I have no problems with The Supreme Creator, whomever or whatever he/she/it may be. All I know is that something exists there. I will always believe what I know until I know otherwise. If you can tell us otherwise please tell us.
I have been discovering, researching, and studying Science & Theology for over a decade now. But these past 4 or so years i have been taking to extreme levels knowledge in both Science and Theology. I've studied physics from Theoretical Physics to Quantum Physics from Astronomy to Astrology and the other sciences as well. I've studied God and Spiritually from the endless deities to the countless religions. What i am getting at is that you seem as if you would still tell another person they are wrong and full of BS even if they speak about something they relate to well and you may have little to no knowledge of. I don't know how much you understand Quantum physics but if i were to give you my information on The Relation of Spiritually and Quantum Physics, would you still call it is BS even if you have no knowledge of what Spiritually or Quantum Physics is? What is really on your mind man? Like · 1